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Wiring a Security Light

Wiring a Security Light

Disclaimer: Please Note You should always get a competent professional to carry out relevant works. Because this is Electrical work we would recommend using an *approved electrical contractor. Safety is always the most important aspect of any job so we always advise adhering to this information. Any information or 'advice' we provide is given on the basis that you will only carry out any works if you are ^competent and *approved in this field. If you are not ^competent and *approved in the field of work you are carrying out then you are doing so at your own risk.

*Approved by NICEIC or equivalent.
^Competent - Has relevant experience or qualification in this field of work

This guidance assumes that you are replacing an existing outside light with an LED security light

What you will need:


A link to a suitable LED security light can be found here.


To complete this job, you may require some or all of the following tools:

Step 1
Isolate the supply to the existing outside light at the Domestic Consumer Unit and check that it is not live using a suitable multimeter.  Ensure that it is impossible for the supply to be restored without your knowledge.

Step 2
Disconnect and remove the existing outside light.

Step 3
Fit the new security light into position and connect the original supply cable to it.

Step 4
Because the supply to the original outside light is likely to have been via a switched supply, you may decide to dispense with the switch or to bypass it.  This will allow you to have the security light powered up and ready to come on at any time.  If this is the case, it is important that you make this alteration at this stage, while the power is still isolated.

Step 5
Check all connections that you have made, in readiness for switching on the power supply.

Step 6
Switch the power back on and test your installation as desired.

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